Monday, 30 October 2017

Excellence 2017 Can do #4

This term we have started doing a different activity on Fridays. I am doing Gamification - we code games using a website called gamefroot. During the first week, we started simple. The first game we made was a simple thing called mihi maker- all we had to do was fill in the blanks on what applied to us. It was somewhat frustrating when the program would forget what we had already typed in, but it was fairly straight forward. The second one I got to start on, was a sort of game a bit like minecraft, but you could only go left and right. This time there was no turitorial, we had to figure it out ourselves. By the time I had just got started on the second one, the bell rang.

The care value I showed was Community by helping other people who were unsure of how to do it.
The leadership value I showed was Resilience by keeping going when the program didn't work, and completing the first task.