Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Excellence 2017 House Captain #3


Bake Sale

Today we had our third bake sale. I made chocolate cake, cut into squares. As a house captain, I also helped to sell the baking. There wasn't to much this time, so some things had to be cut in half, which we did. Because of this, most things were only a dollar, but kids could only buy one thing(at least at the start). To make such this happened, we had to put dots on their hands after they bought something. This was harder than it sounds, and I don't think it was entirely successful, but overall the sale went well.

The care values I showed was Respect, by being respectful to people buying food, and Community by working with the other house captains to sell the food. The leadership value I showed was integrity by giving people correct change, and also when someone started to walk away without getting the food they paid for, I shouted after them.