Sunday, 31 July 2016

Must do leadership Excellence #3

On Friday we had our first session of the next rotation:Buddy programme. Basically we do teaching sessions with the little kids around their Intergrated learning. This week we just talked to them and went outside on their playground. 

The care value I showed was Respect, by listening to them.

The leadership value I showed was Integrity by being patient.

Friday, 29 July 2016

Librarian leadership Excellence #3

Today I did Librarian. Sasha and I put the books away first, as usual. Since no one wanted a book out I quickly got a book out. (Being Magdalene). Then there were a few books to issue/return. At 1:25 we closed the library.

The care value I showed was Respect by respecting the books.

The leadership value I showed was Trustworthy by doing what I was supposed to.

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Pal leadership excellence #3

On Wednesday I did pals. We did Kakano because now my group will be just doing Kakano activities. We did football because it is often quite popular. The game itself mostly went well, although there were some arguments about who would be in who's team and who got to kick the ball in.

The care value I showed was respect by solving the arguments so everyone was satisfied.

The leadership value I showed was integrity by being fair.

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Must do leadership Excellence #2

On Friday we did the last Garden to Table session of the term. This week, although a few people got to do gardening, most of us were helping move furniture between Rm 14 and the music room. By the time we were finished all the furniture from Rm14 was in the music room and vice versa.

The Care value I showed was Active thinking by doing it even though it wasn't gardening.

The leadership value I showed was integrity by moving the new entrants furniture.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Librarian leadership Excellence #2

On Friday I did Librarian. First of all as usual we had to return the books to the shelves. Then we had to do any issues and renewals. This week I also got to have some practise doing reservations as some people wanted to reserve books.

The care value I showed was Active Thinking by doing reserves which I havn't done much.

The care value I showed was Trustworthy by doing it quickly so people could go.

Monday, 11 July 2016

Pals leadership Exellence #2

On Wednesday my group did Pals. This week it was just Tracy and I doing it. We ran a game of small field football with Kakano. We set up the field with cones and split the players into two teams, with one team wearing bibs. The game went well, and one of the teams won by two points.

The Care value I showed was Community by getting them to take turns kicking the ball in.

The leadership value I showed was integrity by making sure everyone followed the rules.

Friday, 8 July 2016

Term 2 Te Reo reflection

Te Reo Reflection





Extended Abstract

I can say 1-5 words about celebrations in te Reo Maori.  

With help, I can ask and answer several questions about celebrations, using te Reo Maori. 

 I can ask and answer several questions about celebrations,using Te Reo Maori. 

I can ask and answer a range of questions about celebrations,using Te Reo Maori. I can teach others these questions and answers. 

In Te Reo this term I have been learning about using vocabulary around food (Kai) and celebrations (Ngā hākari)

Here are some sentences, with english translation in brackets, that I can say confidently (list 3-4).

-He pai ki a koe ngā/te aporo?

 (Do you like apples.)

-He aha to mea pai, ki a koe kei to pāti?

 ( What do you like about your party?)

-He aha ō mātou pirangi? 

 (What do we need?)

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Must do leadership Excellence #1

On Friday after morning tea I did Garden to Table with the new entrants. Most of us were working on digging the new path, although a few were working in the garden. I was working on the path. At the start my little buddies were helpful, but as we continued digging they begun to get bored. Soon two of them had got yogurt containers they were using as worm farms. The kids would quickly grab worms as I tried to dig. Soon it became hard to dig without accidently chopping their fingers off. We headed back onto the concrete to clean our shoes and play a quick game of sneak up granny.

The care value I showed was community by being carful with the shovel.

The leadership value I showed was active thinker by not accidently chopping any fingers.

Librarian leadership Excellence #1

On Friday at lunch I did my librarian duty. First, as usual we had to put the books away. After that was done, we did any issues/renewals and returns. When it was time to close the library we closed it, and made sure no one was still out in the cloak bay. When everyone had left we tidied the library.

The care value I showed was Respect by tidying the library at the end of lunch.

The leadership value I showed was Resillent by doing my duty even when there wasn't much to do.

Pals leadership Excellence #1

On Wednesday I did Pals. The field was closed so we did skipping on the court for Kakano. We got out all the normal sized ropes and put them on the court so people could grab them. A couple of kids
wanted to turn the long rope for other kids to jump in, so we gave them a rope and they did that. At the end the ropes were really messy, it took us a while to pack them up.
The care value I showed was Community by managing it so everyone got a turn.

The leadership value I showed was Trustworthy by showing up to it on time.

Friday, 1 July 2016

Student Led Conference Reflection

The things I enjoyed most about my SLC were:
Sharing my learning and explaining how the learning space works.
What went well and why?
I think the answering questions went well because I was able to answer all their questions.
What were the challenges you faced when preparing and presenting your SLC?
One problem was that during my SLC I kept noticing mistakes such as missing words and mistakes.

What changes would you make for next time and why?
Some changes I would make would be check for mistakes more thoroughly and not keep opening tabs I didn't need.