Friday, 25 September 2015

Technology Challenge


Project Title: Move It!      Group Members: _________________________________________________________________  

Group Roles:   Designer _Alex_____________    Prototype Builder ___Tracy____________    Google Docs Guru  ____Both___________

DESCRIPTION OF CONTEXT:  Investigating ways of transferring energy to cause movement in vehicles

BRIEF: Kite Lift

Scenario A group were stranded in a building during a flood. Their building was beginning to break up and they urgently needed to be able to reach the nearest building about 20m away, which was more secure. Although the water was deep and fast between the buildings they would be able to be pulled one at a time across to the safe building with a strong rope (and the rope pulled back by a cord for the next person). People in the other building had plenty of strong rope but there was no way to get it across. It had stopped raining and a moderate wind was blowing towards the safe building. On looking through their building all they could find was a considerable quantity of thin but strong cord, some thin bamboo sticks, paper, plastic sheet and sticky tape. Task To make a kite which will be able to be flown over a spot 20m away and either land on it, drop a string as near to the spot as possible, or fly so low as to be within reach or dangle a string within reach (e.g. 2m altitude) of someone standing on the spot.


Assessment – SOLO Rubric  (see below)

Prior Knowledge needed:

How are forces used in the real world to create this type of movement? (provide examples and/or drawings from what you


Wide surface area, light but strong.

Resources required: Date completed _________


Plastic sheets




Short sticks

Blue tack


KEY FOCUS:      Follow the Technological Process

  1. Ask

    1. What is the goal?

    2. Why must we create this technology?

  2. Imagine

    1. What will the technology look like?

    2. What kind of research should we do?

  3. Plan

    1. How can we achieve the goal? Design your prototype

  4. Create

    1. Build a prototype(first design) and observe if problems occur.

  5. Improve

    1. Generate  solutions/fixes to the original prototype

    2. Evaluate how successful your design was.

Timetable for completion of tasks:



√ if deadline met

Friday 4 September

Choose your group and your challenge.  Add group names to google doc.

Tuesday 8 September

On google doc add brief and details in Prior Knowledge section. Resources are organised, add list to google doc.  

Wednesday 9 September

Plan is drawn, labelled and photo of it added to this doc.

Tuesday 15 September

First prototype made and trialed.  Notes made on this doc.

Wednesday 16 September

Improvements made and tested. Notes made on this doc.  Photo of design added to this doc. SOLO Rubric completed.

Photo of the drawing of your design, include labels describing parts of your model and materials used.  Date Completed_10.9.15__________

Add a photo of your design:  Date completed______________

First Trial Notes

Barely flies 5 metres.

Refinements Needed

Fix string.

Date completed


Second Trial Notes

Refinements Needed

Date Completed

Final Trial Notes

How successful was our design?

Date Completed

How well did the members of our team work?

You have $300 to award to the members of your team according to:

  • the effort they put in to making your team work well

  • the effort they put in to helping your challenge to be successful.

Allocate the $300 amongst your team according to this criteria.


$$ earned




She remembered materials and design.



She did well doing building and designing.


Apply the technological design process to solve our technology challenge.

SOLO Functional Rubric

Apply the technological design process to solve our technology challenge.

Effective Strategies to use:

1. Ask

What is the goal?

Why must we create this technology?

2. Imagine

What will the technology look like?

What kind of research should we do?

3. Plan

How can we achieve the goal? Design your prototype

4. Create

Build a prototype(first design) and observe if problems occur.

5. Improve

Generate solutions/fixes to the original prototype

Evaluate how successful your design was.

I need help to apply the technological design process to solve our technology challenge.

I can apply the technological design process to solve our technology challenge if I am prompted or directed.

I use several strategies to apply the technological design process to solve our technology challenge but I am not sure when and or why to use them.

(trial and error – aware of strategies but not sure why or when to use them so makes mistakes)

I use several strategies to apply the technological design process to solve our technology challenge and I know when and why to use them.

(strategic or purposeful use of strategies – knows why and when ).

I use several strategies to apply the technological design process to solve our technology challenge and I know when and why to use them.

I act as a role model for others to help them apply the technological design process to solve our technology challenge

I seek feedback on how to improve how I can apply the technological design process to solve our technology challenge.


Thursday, 24 September 2015

Term 3 highlight

My highlight for term 3 is Cyclesafe.
We learnt how to navigate roundabouts, T intersections, X intersections and lots more.

Blog reflection- Novel reading

You've got guts, Kenny Melrose 
Shirley Corlett

WALT identify the themes in a novel
WAL about the authors purpose for writing.

The theme of the story is: they keep getting accused of stuff
Living in poverty

I think the author wrote the story because she wanted to tell about want it is like living like that and she wanted to entertain us.
An interesting part of the novel was when they found out that Smelly was a crook.

How to make a model hot air balloon

WALT write a procedure about how something works.

How to make a model hot air balloon

Model hot air balloons can be good fun to make and fly, however you need to be careful not to catch anything on fire.


-light weight plastic bag

-4 straws

-fishing line or light thread

-light cardboard

-4 light candles



-hole puncher (optional)

-a ruler

-a needle (optional)

1.Gather your materials.

2.Take four straws and connect them together into a frame by sticking  one end into another.

3.Using as little tape as possible attach the plastic bag to the frame. Try looping the edges of the bag around the frame and using a piece of tape on each side to secure the bag on the frame.

4.Make the candle holder. Cut the cardboard into a 5cm x 5cm square.

5.Cut/punch four holes about halfway from the centre.

6.Make sure the candles fit snugly in the holes. If needed, widen the holes so the candles fit.

7. If you have a needle, thread it with the thread you are planning on using. If not go to step eight.

8.If you don't have a needle, carefully make a small hole in each corner to put the thread through.

9.If you have a needle poke it through each corner and tie. Repeat steps 7-9 in each corner.

10.Make sure each thread is 30cm long.

11.Tie each thread to the balloon, one in each corner, so they are about the same length.

12.Check for tangles and make sure the knots are tight.

13.Double check everything.

14.Find a large, open space to fly your balloon.

15.Wait for a still day, dawn or dusk is best.

16.If you live in a town, or there is any fire danger where you live, it is best to attach a thin, light thread to your balloon before lighting it.

17.Light the candles, making sure the strings or balloon doesn't get burnt.

18.If it works, you can watch it float away. If not you may want to try making it lighter.

19.Pull it down if you tied it up.

20. If you didn't, make sure you find it again.

21.Have fun and improve it!

Friday, 11 September 2015

Te Reo Huarere

WALT to write Te Reo phrases about weather.

Friday, 4 September 2015


WALT understand simple and compound sentences.

A simple sentence:  The bush rustled.  The bush rustled in the wind.

A compound sentence has two ideas (clauses) and is joined by a conjunction.
A compound sentence: The bush rustled in the wind and the squirrel ran away.

Joining words.



Division Algorithms

This is some division algorithm problems.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Ballon powered vehicle

This is a poster about my groups ballon powered vehicle.